The online membership renewal system isn’t quite ready yet, so your following options are:
1) download the application form and post it to me with a cheque (details on the form). Follow the link “get membership form” on the top right-hand corner of this website.
2) email the form to me at then phone the circuit to pay via debit/credit card on 01935 83713
3) contact me on 07832 358202 (text best) or send a private message to our Facebook page “Clay Pigeon Kart Club” to reserve a race number.
If I think your card won’t reach you in time for the race weekend (8th & 9th Feb) I will hand them out at the circuit. (I will be pitted up in the far corner of the TKM section near the back gate in Cathy Wellington’s old spot)
Good luck this year everyone. See you soon. Jo Martin, Competition Secretary